how to make t-shirts and patches with spraypaint Ok, granted, this technique is a bit sketchy, and its results may vary, but if youŐre dirt poor, and want to get your message across, it works very well. HereŐs the run-down: 1. Get a blank t-shirt, or any surface on which you want to put your design. Make sure itŐs a clean surface, as dirt can cause the design to wash off. 2. Make a stencil of your design. The easiest way to do this without any artistic ability is to print or photocopy the design after setting the contrast so that it is only dark black and white. Tape this over a piece of cardboard (if you have access to an art supplier, bristol board works rather well. If such is not the case, an old cereal box will do), making sure the cardboard is not the corrogated sort. Using an exacto knife or similar device, perhaps a razor blade, trace the design as best you can without making the design look completely bad. For lettering, stencils may be bought from art supply stores, or any computer stencil font works rather well. After the design is sufficiently cut out, you should be left with a fairly decent stencil. 3. Now that you have your stencil made, use masking tape to secure the stencil to the surface. Put some old newspapers or similar material under the surface (if itŐs a t-shirt, make sure itŐs between the front and back of the shirt) to prevent the paint from bleeding. If necessary, use masking tape to mask off the edges, so as not to spray paint where you donŐt want it. 4. Move the whole setup into a well-ventilated area, unless you like to pass out from paint fumes. Holding the can of spray paint at least 6 inches from the stencil, evenly spray the paint over the entire stencil perpendicularly from the surface, so that no paint will seep into where it doesnŐt belong. Spray lightly, or else it will bleed and look very shoddy. 5. Allow the paint to dry for the suggested amount of time, usually around half an hour or so. Once this is done, clean up the leftover newspapers, etc, and VOILA! thereŐs your t-shirt (or whatever you made). 6. Note: the above technique is also effective for graffitti, although it IS illegal, and stencils would have to be significantly larger. It is a quicker and neater way to communicate your ideas. As with all graffitti, donŐt take up wall space with pointless gang Ňtags.Ó Wall painting is a propaganda for those with something to say, not a schoolyard game for petty thugs.